How many times have you been in a situation where someone gives you a meaningful compliment and instead of accepting it, you begin to cut yourself down to size, so to speak?
I'll be first in line with both my hands raised to admit that I've struggled with accepting flattery. Instead, my tendency has sometimes been to berate myself by combating everything that was just said about me. The real reason behind not allowing myself to take in the praise is because I'm not always sure of myself.
It seems like some women have this little chip inside their brain that won't allow them to accept genuine adulation for fear of failure of some sorts. Thing is, words hold so much power; more than you may even realize. When you constantly put yourself down, you're putting those negative words out there, circulating around you; to the point where it's impossible to succeed in any part of your life. Every inclination of absoluteness is immediately shot down by a combative mindset.
"Oh be careful little mouth what you say..." This childhood song is so true. We should be so very careful what we say. Our words not only have the ability to hurt ourselves, but also others; directly and indirectly. I'm not just talking about using words that put others down. I'm talking about those around you who hear you demean yourself; it can quite easily become contagious.
Our words can change our God-given destiny. It's true. God has only given us good things to help us succeed. And when we decide to instead focus on derogatory comments about ourselves, we can stop God's best plan from coming to pass. Wow, think about it. We hold the power to choose where our focus is and our inability to steer it in the right direction can hinder us from achieving what we are capable of.
Pay close attention to what you say about yourself, for it says a lot about where you are. Instead of looking in the mirror and picking apart every flaw, try focusing on the greatness you possess (yes, everyone possesses greatness). I dare you to try this. I'm going to be right there with you doing the same thing. Try pointing out the talent and beauty God has given you. If you change your words, you just might change your entire world!
In memory of Donna Royer; a wonderful friend, mentor, and mother who chose to see the best in everyone and could turn any negative situation into a positive, uplifting experience. She will be missed more than she'll know, but I'm going to choose to take on her upbeat and authentic attitude and see life as a great challenge with endless opportunities.