I first thought about writing this blog this summer after spending time in Tennessee with lots of family, including my grandparents. I was reminded about it after a close friend lost his mother who left behind a legacy of abundant faith. Fortunately, I was able to spend some quality time with each of them. I especially enjoyed one afternoon of listening to my Papo tell stories of his childhood and his dear momma and you could just tell my the way he spoke and the look in his eyes how much he adored my Great Grandma Sarah Belle. Living in New Mexico since second grade and only seeing family a handful of times since then, I jumped at the opportunity to hear my Papo tell stories...any stories!

So, my Papo goes on to tell the events leading up to his momma's death. Now, my Papo is the strongest, most Godly man I know. I don't know that I've ever seen him cry, but I'm most certain that there were tears in his eyes as he told me about the last moments he had with Grandma Sarah Belle.
The love my Papo showed for his mom was astounding and inspiring. Great Grandma Sarah Belle was a Godly woman who loved her family and put their needs before her own. She was so cute with her long white hair wrapped up in a bun on top of head. I always thought I wanted hair just like hers someday. She raised Godly children who then raised their own. She left behind a legacy that is beyond anything I could put into words.

Then there's my Papo (shown here with my Momma as a little girl). I love him so very much and have always said that I wanted to marry someone like him: God-fearing, strong, courageous, gentle and kind. I absolutely love sitting around listening to him tell stories. He speaks with such gentleness in his Tennessean accent. Some of the perfect words to describe him would be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, faithful, and gentle; otherwise known as the Fruits of the Spirit. He is a very hard worker who also puts his family first (after God that is). His character is unmistakable. There is no and never will be another man like my Papo. In so many ways, I look up to him and admire his strong-willed faith. I've cherished every moment spent--between the middle of the day conversations to watching him read his Bible every night. He already has left a mighty legacy as a son, brother, uncle, father, grandfather, and great grandfather. All who know him, adore him.

My Mamo is an extraordinary woman of God (shown here holding newborn me!). She not only is a sister, daughter, mother, wife, and grandmother, but she's the cook, maid, seamstress, dishwasher and is also quite handy with a hammer. I've still got the doll and baby blanket she made for me when I was a baby. I will treasure those forever and always! My Mamo is strong-willed and tough. She also has a kind heart and prays for not only her husband and kids, but for her grandkids, great grandkids, and anyone who needs it. She's one hard working lady who hardly sits down to rest. I have very fond memories of going down to her garden and picking berries and rhubarb. Her garden was so incredible and full of yummy treats. There was a special time I spent talking with her this summer. I heard stories of my mom's teenage years that I had never heard before. It was then that I felt like we bonded more than ever before. I will always remember that special time we shared just the two of us sitting on the stairs in Tennessee.

Last, but certainly not least, there's my beloved Mom. There isn't enough space to fully describe my Marmie. She's not only my mother, but she's also my very best friend, mentor, advisor, and hero. She is by far the best mom there has ever been and ever will be. I can recall when I went through my first heartbreak in junior high. I was crushed and just devastated. My mom took me out on a drive and we parked out in front of Baskin Robins. Looking back, it seems so silly to be upset over a stupid little boy, but my mom cared for me and loved on me as if it were the most important thing. It was just one of the many times she would share her remarkable wisdom and love. Her words did and always do make me feel better. She has a way about making me calm and see things clearly when I tend to "freak out" about pretty non-important things. From measuring, cutting, and installing crown molding, to whipping up some homemade buttermilk biscuits and gravy, beating my brother's friends in arm wrestling, sewing my costumes for my dress-up birthday parties, and giving the most Godly and wise advice, my mom is incredible. Growing up I remember my mom singing a certain song all cheery---that was our alarm. The song went something like this: "Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! It's time to rise and shine. Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! I hope you're feeling fine..."

She always made the best sweets when it was my birthday in school, along with making the most divine cake at home. She always went (and still does) above and beyond to help her children out. I remember many late nights of her helping me with a school project or paper. She always had the best, most creative ideas for my projects and spent copious amounts of her own time helping me make it great. My mom has always been my biggest cheerleader and support system. When she was a single mom raising three children while working AND going to school, I never knew we were poor. I never went without the necessities (plus some), and thought that everyone else lived just like we did. When I would have a bad dream she would let me climb in bed with her and flop an arm and leg over her. When another heartbreak came in my early 20s, my mom was there again to wipe away the tears and speak words of wisdom and love. This was probably the most excruciating heartbreak I've yet to experience. Through the pain and hurt I felt, the never-ending tears that streamed down my face, and heart that felt like it would never be whole, my mom was there to again speak those wonderful words of wisdom. Years later when I foolishly let this person back in my life, she reminded me that God's best for me would not hurt me in that way. The "God's best" phrase is one I remember to this day, along with her reminder to always guard my heart. I see so many things in me that are like my mom. I like to sew, bake, teach, and love kids. Until a few years ago, I never knew that she too always had a dream of adopting a baby girl from China. Mom, I know that I'll make both our dreams come true and you will someday have a cute little Chinese granddaughter. :)

My mom is a prayer warrior who stands strong in her faith in the Lord. She has a tender touch and warm smile. She knows everything about me and is my very best friend and confidant. I trust her advice more than anyone else because I know it comes from her heart. If I am able to be half the woman she is I will be happy. No one could ever fill her shoes; the closest I think I can get is maybe a size or two smaller. Thank you Mom for always believing in me and cheering me on. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most...for giving me the best example of what a mother should be like. Thank you for being an amazing living legacy for me to look up to and try to follow. I love you, Marmie!!
I'm so very blessed to be able to have such an amazing heritage. When I think about the legacies they've all left, I wonder what kind of legacy I will leave. I'm reminded of a song by Nichole Nordeman:
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacyI want to be like the rest who have led such amazing lives. I want to be known as the kind of person they'd all be proud of. I do want to leave my mark on this world. I want to be all that God created me to be. In the end, I want to leave a legacy that my Father would be proud to say, "Well done good and faithful one..."
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” -Pericles